After registering and creating your shell download PuTTY and SSH into the server
Hostname: (or) (or)
Port: 22
After logging in, enter your username (case sensitive) and password (will not be visible). Your login details are in your shell panel at <> Copy paste your details to avoid mistakes.
After you've gained access into the shell, do as follows,
znc -c
-- Global settings --
Listen on port (1025 to 65534): (Any port from 1025 to 65534. Please don't choose the obvious ones. Note it down, we'll be needing it later)
Listen using SSL (yes/no) [no]: yes (recommended)
Listen using both IPv4 and IPv6 (yes/no) [yes]: yes
-- Admin user settings --
Username (alphanumeric): (Your preferred username to login into the znc webpanel, you'll need this later)
Enter password: (Any password)
Confirm password: (Any password. Note this down too, we'll need it later)
Nick [Foo]: (Nick you'll be using in irc)
Alternate nick [Foo_]: (Alternative nick you'll be using in irc)
Ident [Foo]: (This will be your ident)
Real name [Got ZNC?]: (Whatever you wish)
Bind host (optional): (Just press 'Enter')
-- Network settings -- (The following details are for Freenode network, however the process is still the same. Check your networks' documentation for the specifics)
Set up a network? (yes/no) [yes]: yes
Name [freenode]: freenode
Server host []:
Server uses SSL? (yes/no) [yes]: yes
Server port (1 to 65535) [6697]: 6697
Server password (probably empty): (empty, just press 'Enter')
Initial channels: #xshellz (Any channel you want)
Launch ZNC now? (yes/no) [yes]: yes
And you're DONE!
Now, to access your webpanel, visit (or) (or)
If you chose 'no' to 'Listen using SSL', use 'http' instead of 'https'.
Now to login into the znc, use the username and password you used to configure your znc via SSH.
After doing that, you should be able to use your znc as your irc server. Use the command below,
/server (or) (or) [+] username[/networkname]:password
Use '+' if you chose 'yes' to 'Listen using SSL' in the NETWORK setting
Use '/networkname' if you're setting up/using multiple networks. Use the same name you used in 'Name'.
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